A fleece mask pampers the facial skin and effectively complements the care ritual. It works with the so-called occlusion effect: This occurs when the face is covered with the cloth soaked in active ingredients. In contrast to cream masks the valuable care substances under the fleece cannot evaporate. Target group For all skin types, by:
- nutrient-poor skin, which lacks moisture and elasticity
- skin that is marked by signs of aging and lacks elasticity
- first wrinkles and also deeper wrinkles
- skin in need of special care due to cold, dryness or after exposure to the sun
Application Remove the fleece mask from the sachet, unfold it carefully, and place it on the cleansed face. Gently smooth the sides and any air bubbles. Allow an application time of about 15 minutes before removing the fleece mask. Afterwards, apply ALPHA-TROPHOX112® FACE CREAM, gently massaging it into the skin.
Suitable for
all skin types
Active ingredients
ALPHA AC3 Repair-Complex, Syn®-Ake, Thalassine 2G, SYN®- HYCAN, Hydrolite® 5, hyaluronic acid, RosmarinylTM glucosides, inositol, allantoin
Die Vlies-Maske aus dem Beutel entnehmen, vorsichtig entfalten und auf das gereinigte Gesicht auflegen. Alle Seiten und eventuelle Luftblasen sorgfältig glattstreichen. Nach einer Einwirkzeit von ca. 15 Minuten die Vlies-Maske abnehmen. Anschließend die ALPHA-TROPHOX112® FACE CREAM auftragen und sanft einmassieren.
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